发布时间:2006-10-14 3:52:12   收集提供:gaoqian

Function GetPage(url)
dim Retrieval
Set Retrieval = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
With Retrieval
.Open "Get", url, False ', "", ""
GetPage = BytesToBstr(.ResponseBody)
End With
Set Retrieval = Nothing
End Function

Function BytesToBstr(body)
dim objstream
set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
objstream.Type = 1
objstream.Mode =3
objstream.Write body
objstream.Position = 0
objstream.Type = 2
objstream.Charset = "GB2312"
BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText
set objstream = nothing
End Function
on error resume next
response.write "开始更新首页..."
wstr = GetPage(Url)

Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'if not MyFile.FolderExists(server.MapPath("/html/")) then
'end if

If (fs.FileExists(server.MapPath("./")&"\index.htm")) Then
End If

Set CrFi=fs.CreateTextFile(server.MapPath("./")&"\index.htm")
set CrFi=nothing
set fs=nothing
response.write "...<font color=red>更新完成!</font>"

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