发布时间:2006-10-14 2:39:46   收集提供:gaoqian

''*** build example array to show that this thing can sort
''*** alpha-numeric arrays
Dim MyArray
MyArray = Array(1,5,"shawn","says","hello"2m骺噃嶤123,12,98)
MyArray = Sort(MyArray)
For I = 0 to Ubound(MyArray)
Response.Write MyArray(I) & "<br>" & vbCRLF

''*** Sorter Function that takes an array and sorts it
Function Sort(ary)
KeepChecking = TRUE
Do Until KeepChecking = FALSE
KeepChecking = FALSE
For I = 0 to UBound(ary)
If I = UBound(ary) Then Exit For
If ary(I) > ary(I+1) Then
FirstValue = ary(I)
SecondValue = ary(I+1)
ary(I) = SecondValue
ary(I+1) = FirstValue
KeepChecking = TRUE
End If
Sort = ary
End Function

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