1.机器 普通x86PC 128M RAM 1G HardDriver Matrox NGA 200 Intel EePro 100B 2.准备:
一般Solaris安装非常简单,几乎是一路F2过去,就ok,但是在实际的工作中,我 们发现 由于一些设备比较新,大家必须解决以下2类问题:
1).某些网卡配置失败 solaris无法安装正确的网卡驱动,或者某些网卡在旧的驱动下偶尔出现问题;
Solaris x86的安装,一般需要一个引导盘,我们使用的是devcfg12.bin;按照do cs.sun.com的建议 下载 Driver Update 3
使用c:>dd devcfg12.bin a:制作引导软盘,启动机器,
可以看到: Solaris for x86
SUNOS Secondary Boot version 3.00
然后进入Device Assistant :
Solaris Device Configuration Assistant:
F2: full scan F3: Partial Scan F4: _Driver Update
"Enumerating buses ..."
然后出现: Install Driver Update
取出Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant Version 1.2 盘,把Solar is 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 1插入。选择 F2继续,出现Select Solaris System Version;在选择 了Solaris OS 2.6 以后, F2继续下一步;Loading Driver Update Software 屏幕出现,等到Continue Dr iver Update Installation 出现,换盘Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 2,如此知道3个盘全部加载 完毕。 在换上Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant Version 1.2,注意必须 等到出现以下信息的时候, 你再把Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant Version 1.2盘取出来:
If you want to bypass the device configuration and boot screens when t he system reboots, eject the Device Configuration Assistant/Boot diskette now
这个时候还是F2,你将看到: Enumerating buses ... 等所有设备扫描结束,选择 F2,出现:
"Loading driver com.bef ..."
然后将出现: Boot Solaris ,因为从cdrom安装,选择 [X] CD....
Installing unbundled device driver support Extracting driver list from tree.. distribution-diskette-name driver-name...
Please insert the Driver Update diskette labeled distribution-diskette -name Press <ENTER> when ready.
取出Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant Version 1.2 盘,把Solar is 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 1 从新 插入,键入“回车”
这个时候所有需要的文件被读入,如果在Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 其他盘 上的文件还需要,系统提示: Please insert the Driver Update diskette labeled distribution-diskette -name Press <ENTER> when ready.
If you have additional Update diskettes to install(such as video), please insert diskette now.Additional Update diskettes to install? (y/ n) [y]
如果在这个时候你同时需要升级Video驱动,那么选择 "y",那么系统回提示其他 信息。否则选择 "n"; ,键入 "Enter".
"Installation complete"
那开所有软盘,reboot 机器,那么等到soalris启动后,新的驱动就发生作用拉 。
如果你在上边选择了安装Video 驱动,你需要运行kdmconfig.
首先下载相应的显示卡patch,比如我们根据我们的机器下载了105195-02 (v-mat rox) 驱动程序du3vmat.exe,在win98下直接执行他,提示插入一个软盘,写文件到软盘 上。
以root进入solaris 26,首先检查volume manager是否运行,如果发现,临时终止 它。
#ps -ef |grep vol # /etc/init.d/volmgt stop
插入刚才制作好的patch盘, # mount -F pcfs /dev/diskette /mnt
# /mnt/DU/sol_26/i86pc/Tools/install.sh -i
Install patch v-common? [y] n Install patch v-matrox ? [y] (这个是我们要的,所以选择"y") Installing driver object v-matrox Installing patch 105195-02
checking installed packages and patches... verifying sufficient filesystem capacity (dry run method)... Installing patch packages...
Patch number 105195-02 has been successfully installed. See /var/sadm/patch/105195-02/log for details
Patch packages installed: SUNWxwpls # 这时可以:
# umount /mnt
再次启动Volumn Manager
# /etc/init.d/volmgt start
# kdmconfig
5.补充信息: 1). 下边是一个docs.sun.com 上的原始文档,适合在已经安装好的Soalris上更 新驱动程序:
/*-------------------------*/ Adding New or Updated Drivers to an Existing Solaris System
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Note - Before adding new or updated drivers, the newly supported hardware dev ices should be installed and configured according to the instructions in the corresponding Devi ce Reference Page, if any. See Device Reference Manual for Solaris 2.6 (Intel Platform Edition).
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
When the Solaris 2.6 Intel Platform Edition software is already instal led, the simplest way to add new or updated drivers is to install the Driver Update diskettes a s patches on your system.
Follow these steps:
Become root.
Type ps -ef | grep vold to see if the Volume Management software is ru nning on the machine you are updating.
For more information about managing diskettes and drives, see System A dministration Guide.
If Volume Management is running, temporarily stop it:
# /etc/init.d/volmgt stop
Insert Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 1 into the diskette drive.
Mount Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 1 at the /mnt mount point:
# mount -F pcfs /dev/diskette /mnt
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Note - You must mount Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 1 at this point in the file structure to update your system successfully.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Execute the install script on the diskette by typing:
# /mnt/DU/sol_26/i86pc/Tools/install.sh -i
The install.sh script searches for all new or updated drivers on the d iskette. When a new or updated driver is found, the following prompt is displayed:
Install patch driver-name? [y]
If the driver is the one you want to install, at the prompt, type y fo r yes or press Enter. If the driver is not the one you want to install, type n for no.
If you specify yes, the install.sh script installs the driver you indi cated.
When you're done and the install.sh script exits, unmount the diskette by typing the following command at the system prompt:
# umount /mnt
Remove Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 1 from the diskette drive.
Repeat Step 4 through Step 9 for each subsequent Driver Update 3 diske tte in the set until the driver you want is loaded onto your machine.
Halt your machine.
Turn your machine off.
If you haven't already, add the new hardware.
Turn your machine on.
When the autoboot sequence prompt is displayed, quickly press Escape.
The autoboot sequence is interrupted. The Solaris Device Configuration Assistant screen is displayed.
Press F2_Continue.
The message "Enumerating buses ..." is displayed. The Scanning Devices screen is then displayed. System devices are scanned. When scanning is complete, the Identified Devices screen is displayed.
Press F2_Continue.
The message "Loading driver com.bef ..." is displayed. The Boot Solari s screen is then displayed.
On the Boot Solaris screen, select the device controller attached to t he device that contains your install medium, in this case the main system disk.
The /etc/bootrc script is displayed.
At the prompt, type b -r.
Your machine boots. You can now use your new hardware.
2).非常令人奇怪的是solaris x86对于网卡的命名规则:
iprb0 <----如果你的网卡是 intel pro 100b elx0 <----如果你的网卡是 3com 3c900
一般我们感觉大家习惯了 hme0(sparc),eth0(Linux),lan0(hp-ux),net0(SCO),但 是Solaris x86偏偏使用 与网卡厂商名字关联的名字来命名网卡设备。
3).Driver Update 3包含那些内容:
Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant, Version 1.2 Diskette
Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 1
Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 2
Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 Diskette 3
Solaris 2.6 Driver Update 3 ata Diskette
Solaris 2.6 ata Recovery Diskette
These diskettes are to be used with a Solaris 2.6 CD or net install im age.
4).Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant, Version 1.2 Diskette盘是 什么?
If you are installing Solaris 2.6 Intel Platform Edition and you want to install the drivers in Driver Update 3, you must use Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant, Version 1.2 D iskette instead of the Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant diskette you received with Solaris 2.6 Intel Platform Edition.
You can download Solaris 2.6 Device Configuration Assistant, Version 1 .2 Diskette from http://access1.sun.com/drivers.
This diskette contains scripts and configuration files that enable you to boot and install your system using one of the newly supported devices.
5).感谢中文unix社区 www.unixaid.net的3位斑竹:
Cyndi Happy... Jin |