发布时间:2006-10-14 2:38:48   收集提供:gaoqian
它代码混用的例 子。

</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
' The response object can be used to write text
' but sometimes some functions must be used to transform
' the text instead of sending as is to the browser

response.write "<B>Hyperion</b> by <I>Dan Simmons</i> is a great
response.write "<p>"
response.write server.htmlencode("<B>Hyperion</b> by <I>Dan
Simmons</i> is a great novel")
response.write "<p>"

response.write "Joe Smith & Hilda = a team"
response.write "<p>"
response.write server.URLencode("Joe Smith & Hilda = a team")


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