发布时间:2006-10-14 2:47:47   收集提供:gaoqian
5、 双击JavaASP.java,会出现一个代码框,把下面的代码输入代码框,并保存。

  import com.ms.iis.asp.*;
  import com.ms.mtx.*;


/** * This class is designed to be packaged with a COM DLL output format. * The class has no standard entry points, other than the constructor. * Public methods will be exposed as methods on the default COM interface. * @com.register ( clsid=ADE14872-9CF6-42A0-A8F2-7A571E51A840, typelib=5E11D496-7229-4283-A40B-139E05DEF44C ) */ //上面我们看到一个clsid,它是用来标记微软COM组件所用的。

import com.ms.iis.asp.*;//导入两个包

import com.ms.mtx.*;

public class JavaASP

 public boolean HelloWorld()

  Response newRes = AspContext.getResponse();//创建一个Response
  newRes.write("Hello World,Maybe it is your first JavaASP COM!");
  return true;

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