发布时间:2006-10-14 2:45:59   收集提供:gaoqian
    聊天室用N个application("user" & N)来保存用户名,再用application("TimeBegin")来保存每个用户的登录时间,同时,在用户登录时用session("TimerBegin")保存登录时间(timer),在发言区设定刷新时间为N秒,每次刷新将session("TimeBegin")的时间更新,同时判断timer - application("user"&session(userID)) 是否>N秒,如果是则说明该用户没有自动刷新,即意味着已经断线,即可将该application("user"&N)设为空值,再提示该用户已退出即可。
    total = application("AllPeople")'聊天总人数
    aryHuman = split(total,";")
    for i = lbound(aryHuman) to ubound(aryHuman) - 1
    if application("user" & i) = "online" then
    if int(timer) - int(application("TimeBegin" & i)) > 120 then
    application("user" & i) = ""
    temp = aryHuman(i)
    aryName = split(temp,",")
    hrefname =  aryName(0)
    for j = lbound(aryHuman) to ubound(aryHuman) - 1
    if application("user" & j) = "online" then
    application("content" & j) = "<FONT color=#000000>【公告】"&hrefname&"</FONT>" &"<font  color=#F08000
>"& "断线..." & "</font><font color = #000000 class=p9>" & "   <" & time() & "></font><br>" & application
("content" & j)
    end if
    end if
    end if
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