W3 Jmail中文使用说明
发布时间:2006-10-14 2:58:22   收集提供:gaoqian

                        W3 Jmail 使用说明


    Body : String
        如:JMail.Body = "Hello world"
    Charset : String
        如:JMail.Charset = "US-ASCII"

    ContentTransferEncoding : String
        如:JMail.ContentTransferEncoding = "base64"

    ContentType : String
        信件的contentype. 缺省是"text/plain",但是可以设置为其他你想要的类型.
        如果你以HTML格式发送邮件, 改为"text/html"即可。
        如:JMail.ContentType = "text/html"
    DeferredDelivery : Date
        设置延期发送. 如果邮件服务器支持的话,消息到了这个时间才会发送
        如:(javascript)JMail.DeferredDelivery = new Date( 2000, 02, 17 ).getVarDate();
    Encoding : String
        这个属性可以用来改变附件编码方式(缺省是"base64). 可以选择使用的是"base64", "uuencode" or "quoted-
        如:JMail.Encoding = "base64"
    ErrorCode : Integer
        如:Response.Write( JMail.ErrorCode );
    ErrorMessage : String
        如:Response.Write( JMail.ErrorMessage );
    ErrorSource : String
        Contains the error source if JMail.silent is set to true
        如:Response.Write( JMail.ErrorSource );    
    ISOEncodeHeaders : Boolean
        是否将信头编码成iso-8859-1字符集. 缺省是true
        如:JMail.ISOEncodeHeaders = false
    Lazysend : Boolean

        如:JMail.LazySend = true;
    Log : String
        如:Response.Write( JMail.Log );
    Logging : Boolean
        如:JMail.Logging = true
    MailDomain : String
        This can be used to override the EHLO/HELO statement to your mailserver
        如:JMail.Maildomain = "hello.world.com"
    MimeVersion : String
        如:JMail.MimeVersion = "1.0"
    Priority : Integer
        优先级. 范围在1-5之间
            1 高优先级. 有些邮件程序称之为紧急
            2 也是高优先级
            3 普通优先级
            4 低优先级
            5 最低的优先级
        如:JMail.Priority = 3
    Recipients : String
        如:Response.Write( "" + JMail.Recipients + "" );
    ReplyTo : String
        如:JMail.ReplyTo = "president@dimac.net"
    ReturnReceipt : Boolean
        指定是否发件人需要一个回复收据. 缺省是false
        如:JMail.ReturnReceipt = true
    Sender : String
        如:JMail.Sender = "batman@dimac.net"
    SenderName : String
        如:JMail.SenderName = "Bat man"
    ServerAddress : String
        如:JMail.ServerAddress = "mail.mydom.net; mail2.mydom.net:2500"  
    Silent : Boolean
        如果设置为true,JMail不会抛出例外错误. JMail.execute() 会根据操作结果返回true或false
        如:JMail.silent = true
    SimpleLayout : Boolean
        如:JMail.SimpleLayout = true
    Subject : String
        如:JMail.Subject = "Dimac rocks big time!"
    UsePipelining : Boolean
        Overrides if JMail should use pipelining on a server that supports it.
        如:JMail.Pipelining = false    
    AddAttachment( FileName, [ContentType] )
        如:JMail.AddAttachment( "c:\\autoexec.bat" );
    AddCustomAttachment( FileName, Data )
        添加自定义附件. This can be used to attach "virtual files" like a generated text string or
certificate etc.
        如:JMail.AddCustomAttachment( "readme.txt", "Contents of file" );
    AddHeader( XHeader, Value )
        如:JMail.AddHeader( "Originating-IP","" );
    AddNativeHeader( Header, Value )
        如:JMail.AddNativeHeader( "MTA-Settings", "route" );
    AddRecipient( Email )
        如:JMail.AddRecipient( "info@dimac.net" );
    AddRecipientBCC( Email )
        如:JMail.AddRecipientBCC( "someone@somedomain.net" );
    AddRecipientCC( Email )
        如:JMail.AddRecipientCC( "someone@somedomain.net" );
    AddRecipientEx( Email, Name )
        如:JMail.AddRecipientEx( "info@dimac.net", "Dimac INFO" );
    AddURLAttachment( bstrURL, bstrAttachAs, [bstrAuth] )
        下载并添加一个来自url的附件. 第二个参数"AttachAs", 被用来指定信件收到后的文件名. 第3个可选参数是用
        如:JMail.AddURLAttachment( "http://download.dimac.net/jmail/jmail.exe", "jmail.exe" )
    AppendBodyFromFile( FileName )
        如:JMail.AppendBodyFromFile( "c:\\mytext.txt" );
    AppendText( Text )
        如:JMail.AppendText( "Text appended to message Body" );

    Execute() : Boolean
    ExtractEmailAddressesFromURL( bstrURL, [bstrAuth] )
        如:JMail.ExtractEmailAddressesFromURL( "http://duplo.org/generateEmailList.asp" );
    GetMessageBodyFromURL( bstrURL, [bstrAuth] )
        清除message的正文,并用url的内容替换。Contenttype 会自动设置成URl的contentyp。第二参数(login and
        如:JMail.GetMessageBodyFromURL( "http://duplo.org/", "login:password" )

    LogCustomMessage( Message )
        将用户自定义消息加入JMail日志. 只有属性loging设置为true时,这项功能才能起作用
        如:JMail.LogCustomMessage( "Hello world" );

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