技巧 27:进行性能测试
正如我们在前面已经讲过,性能是一个特征。如果您想要改善站点的性能,那么就制定一个性能目标,然后逐步改进,直到达到目标为止。不要,就不进行任何性能测试。通常,在项目结束时,再作必需的结构调整已经为时太晚,您的客户将为此感到失望。将性能测试作为您日常测试的一部分来进行。可以对单个组件分别进行性能测试,如针对 ASP 页或 COM 对象,或将站点作为一个整体来测试。
许多人使用单个浏览器请求页面,来测试 Web 站点的性能。这样做就会给您一个感觉,即站点的响应能力很好,但这样做实际上并不能告诉您在负载条件下站点的性能如何。
一般情况下,要想准确地测试性能,您需要一个专门的测试环境。此环境应包括硬件,其处理器速度、处理器数量、内存、磁盘、网络配置等方面与生产环境的硬件相似。其次,您必须指定客户机的工作负荷:有多少同时的用户,他们发出请求的频率,他们点击页面的类型等等。如果您没有站点实际使用情况的数据,您必须估计一下使用的情况。最后,您需要一个可以模拟预期客户机工作负荷的工具。有了这些工具,您就可以开始回答诸如“如果我有 N 个同时的用户,那么需要多少服务器?”之类的问题。您还可以找出出现瓶颈的原因,并以此为目标进行优化。
下面列出了一些好的 Web 负载测试工具。我们特别推荐 Microsoft Web Application Stress (WAS) 工具包。WAS 可使您记录测试脚本,然后模拟数百或成千上万个用户访问 Web 服务器。WAS 报告很多统计信息,包括每秒钟的请求数,响应时间分布情况和错误计数。WAS 有丰富的客户机界面和基于 Web 的界面两种,Web 界面可使您进行远程测试。
一定要阅读 IIS 5.0 Tuning Guide。
技巧 28:阅读资源链接
下面是一些与性能有关的出色的资源链接。如果您想了解有关信息,请阅读 Developing Scalable Web Applications。
优化 ASP 脚本
优化 IIS
ADO 和 SQL Server
ASP 组件和线程模型
ASP Web 站点
ASP 样式
优化 ASP 脚本
Developing Scalable Web Applications
Got Any Cache? Nancy Winnick Cluts 著
Maximizing the Performance of Your Active Server Pages,Nancy Winnick Cluts 著
15 Seconds: Performance Section
Enhancing Performance in ASP - Part I,Wayne Plourde 著
When is Better Worse? Weighing the Technology Trade-Offs,Nancy Winnick Cluts 著
Speed and Optimization Resources,Charles Carroll 著
优化 IIS
The Art and Science of Web Server Tuning with Internet Information Services 5.0
Leveraging ASP in IIS 5.0,J.D. Meier 著
Tuning IIS 4.0 for High Volume Sites,Michael Stephenson 著
Tuning Internet Information Server Performance,Mike Moore 著
Navigating the Maze of Settings for Web Server Performance Optimization,Todd Wanke 著
Managing Internet Information Server 4.0 for Performance,Hans Hugli 著
ADO 和 SQL Server
Top Ten Tips: Accessing SQL Through ADO and ASP,J.D. Meier 著
Improve the Performance of your MDAC Application,Suresh Kannan 著
Pooling in the Microsoft Data Access Components,Leland Ahlbeck 和 Don Willits 合著
SQL Server: Performance Benchmarks and Guides
Improving the Performance of Data Access Components with IIS 4.0,Leland Ahlbeck 著
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Performance Tips,Leland Ahlbeck 著
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Practical Performance Tuning and Optimization - The Server Perspective,Damien Lindauer 著
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Practical Performance Tuning and Optimization - The Application Perspective,Damien Lindauer 著
Accessing Recordsets over the Internet,Dino Esposito 著
ASP 组件和线程模型
ASP Component Guidelines,J.D. Meier 著
Q243548: INFO: Design Guidelines for VB Components under ASP
Threading Models Explained,Nancy Winnick Cluts 著
So Happy Together? Using ActiveX components with Active Server Pages,Nancy Winnick Cluts 著
Developing Active Server Components with ATL,George Reilly 著
Agility in Server Components,Neil Allain 著
Building High-Performance Middle-Tier Components with C++,Jon Flanders 著
Active Server Pages and COM Apartments,Don Box 著
House of COM: Active Server Pages,Don Box 著
House of COM: Contexts,Don Box 著
House of COM: Performance Trade-offs of the Windows 2000 Component Execution Environment,Don Box 著
Building COM Components That Take Full Advantage of Visual Basic and Scripting,Ivo Salmre 著
Component Design Principles for MTS
Creating a Page Cache Object,Robert Coleridge 著
Abridging the Dictionary Object: The ASP Team Creates a Lookup-Table Object,Robert Carter 著
Caprock Dictionary
Site Server Commerce Edition includes a dictionary component
Q175167: HOWTO: Persisting Values Without Sessions
Q157906: HOWTO: How To Maintain State Across Pages with VBScript
XML-based Persistence Behaviors Fix Web Farm Headaches,Aaron Skonnard 著
House of COM: Stateless Programming,Don Box 著
Blueprint for Building Web Sites Using the Microsoft Windows DNA Platform
Server Performance and Scalability Killers,George Reilly 著
Microsoft Visual Studio Scalability Center
Fitch & Mather Stocks 2000
Tuning the FMStocks Application
High-Performance Visual Basic Apps,Ken Spencer 著
Duwamish Books,Phase 4
Top Windows DNA Performance Mistakes and How to Prevent Them,Gary Geiger 和 Jon Pulsipher 合著
Building from Static HTML to High-Performance Web-Farms,Shawn Bice 著
Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool
I Can't Stress It Enough -- Load Test Your ASP Application,J.D. Meier 著
Windows DNA Performance Kit
Monitoring Events in Distributed Applications Using Visual Studio Analyzer,Mai-lan Tomsen 著
Professional Active Server Pages 3.0,Wrox Press(特别是第 26 章:Optimizing ASP Performance,George Reilly 和 Matthew Gibbs 合著)。
Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 Resource Guide(与 Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit 在一起),Microsoft Press。
Microsoft Internet Information Server Resource Kit(用于 IIS 4.0),Microsoft Press。
Programming Distributed Applications with COM and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0,Ted Pattison 著,Microsoft Press。
Effective COM,Don Box、Keith Brown、Tim Ewald 和 Chris Sells 合著;Addison-Wesley。
Developing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity,Jakob Nielsen 著,New Riders。
ASP Web 站点
Microsoft TechNet for IIS
Fast Code!
ASP Advanced
Not NewbieState Management
Visual Basic Components
C++/ATL Component Building
UseIt.com: Web 可用性