发布时间:2006-10-14 2:45:53   收集提供:gaoqian

CurQ = Request.Form("CurQ")
Answ = Request.Form("Answ")

'Poor Man's IsNull Code goes here

If PoorMansIsNull(CurQ) Then           
        CurQ = 1                            
        correct = 0
        wrong = 0
End If

If PoorMansIsNUll(Answ) Then
        CurQ = CurQ + 1
        If CurQ > (Your maximum number of questions) Then
        <p>Congratulations. You have completed this test. You missed <%=wrong%>
        but got <%=correct%> questions right. That is equivilent to a
        Thank you for doing the test.
<% End If %>

<%  set conntemp = server.createobject("adoDB.Connection")
    set myDSN = '(your DSN info goes here)
    conntemp.Open myDSN
    set mySQL = "SELECT * FROM QUESTIONS WHERE QuestionID=" & CurQ
    set rsTemp= conntemp.Execute(mySQL)

<h2>Question Number <%=rsTemp("QuestionID")%> </h2>

<form method=POST action="myASP.ASP">
    <input type=hidden name=CurQ value=<%=CurQ%>>
Your question is <%=rsTemp("Question")%><br>
        <select name="AnsW">
                <option value=1><%=rsTemp("AnswerA")</option>
                <option value=2><%=rsTemp("AnswerB")</option>
                <option value=3><%=rsTemp("AnswerC")</option>
                <option value=4><%=rsTemp("AnswerD")</option>
<input type=hidden value="<%=correct%>"><input type=hidden value="<%=wrong%>">
<input type=reset value="Clear the Form"><input type=submit value="OK!">

<% Else %>
<%   set conntemp = server.createobject("adoDB.Connection")
     set myDSN = '(your DSN info goes here)
     conntemp.Open myDSN
     set mySQL = "SELECT * FROM QUESTIONS WHERE QuestionID=" & CurQ
     set rsTemp= conntemp.Execute(mySQL)
             If AnsW = rsTemp("CorrectAns") Then

                <p>Congratulations. You got it right. Whee</p>
                <% correct = correct + 1 %>

             <% Else %>

                <p>I'm sorry, you missed the question. You can review by
reading: </p>
                <% wrong = wrong + 1 %>

             <% End If %>

      <form method=POST action="myASP.ASP">
              <input type="hidden" name=curQ value="<%=curQ%>">
              <input type="hidden" name=correct value="<%=correct%>">
              <input type="hidden" name=wrong value="<%=wrong%>">
              <input type="submit" value="Next Question"%>

<% End If %>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50