Setup Instructions
Last modified: August 1st, 1999
© 2000 Advantys. All rights reserved.
Configuration required
Stage 1 : Extract the downloaded file
Stage 2 : Install aspSmartUpload.dll
Stage 3 : Install aspSmartUploadUtil.dll
Stage 4 : Install samples
The installation of aspSmartUpload can be broken down into four main stages :
- extract the downloaded file
- saving the aspSmartUpload.dll file on the NT server
- add the aspSmartUploadUtil.dll fils in the NT server Path
- install the samples
These four stages are fully described below.
Configuration required
Server :
- 300Ko of free disk space
- Windows NT 4 Service pack 3+, Microsoft IIS 4
or Windows 95+, Personal Web Server, ASP
or Windows 2000
For Microsoft IIS 3 users :
+ VB5 Runtime
+ asp.dll (version 1.0b+) :
Browser :
Your browser must be RFC 1867-compliant to be able to upload files.
Netscape 3+ and Microsoft IE 3.02+ accept the RFC 1867.
Stage 1 : Extract the downloaded file
All the aspSmartUpload files are supplied in the zipped file,
Extract to a temporary directory, making sure the directory structure remains intact.
If, for example, you extract the file to \temp, you should see the following :
Stage 2 : Install aspSmartUpload.dll
You have to register aspSmartUpload.dll on your server. The dll can be registered by using either
Regsvr32.exe OR Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).
1st Solution: Using RegSVR32
Copy aspSmartUpload.dll into a directory on the NT server (e.g. c:\mydir).
Save the component using the commands :
REGSVR32.EXE c:\mydir\aspSmartUpload.dll (From DOS or the Start/Run prompt)
2nd Solution: Using Transaction Server
Select the NT server on which you wish to install aspSmartUpload.
Create a new batch.
In the component folder, create a new component called aspSmartUpload.
Paste aspSmartUpload.dll to the Transaction Server to save it.
Stage 3 : Install aspSmartUploadUtil.dll
The objective is to enable the Operating System to access the aspSmartUploadUtil.dll file.
There is two ways to archieve this :
- Copy aspSmartUploadUtil.dll in the c:\winnt\system32 directory. That way you don't have to update the
PATH propertie.
- Copy aspSmartUploadUtil.dll into a directory on the NT server (e.g. c:\mydir).
Add the component directory in the PATH using the commands :
PATH=%PATH%;c:\mydir (From DOS)
Stage 4 : Install samples
The ASP application must be installed in an ASP-script-enabled web directory.
If your site has the following structure :
Copy the
\temp\aspSmartUpload\MyInetpub\scripts\aspSmartUpload directory
to the
\inetpub\scripts directory on your server.
Copy the
\temp\aspSmartUpload\MyInetpub\wwwroot\aspSmartUpload directory
to the
\inetpub\wwwroot directory on your server.
Using your browser, enter the following addresses :
It is possible to increase the level of security by using specific properties directly in the server's
registry base. That way, an ISP can define his own security parameters (maximum file size, access
authorization limited to virtual directories, etc). The developers cannot modifiy the ISP parameters
because the component uses in priority the security properties defined in the registry base.
The Registry case
All the modifiable values in the Registry must be located under the following key:
Use the REGEDIT command to add this key and the data and their chain values that you can select in the
list below.
All the following data are the string type. If you use the REGEDT32 command the data must be the REG_SZ
The Registry data
The following properties can be an entry in the Registry.
The component will only use their value if they are felt in.
TotalMaxFileSize Maximum allowed size of all files to be uploaded.
MaxFileSize Maximum allowed size of one file to be uploaded.
AllowedFilesList Contains the upload authorized file extensions list.
DeniedFilesList Contains the upload denied file extensions list.
DenyPhysicalPath Prevents file saving in directories other than virtual directories.