发布时间:2006-10-14 3:01:00   收集提供:gaoqian




SET POP3=session("POP3")
   x = POP3.Connect()

   If x <> 0 Then
      Response.Write "连接错误: " + CStr(x)
   End If
   y = POP3.DownloadHeaders
   msg = POP3.DownloadSingleMessage(j)
   'Set Message Object to point to that downloaded message
   Set Message = POP3.Messages(msg)
   Response.Write replace(Message.bodytext,chr(13),"<br>")
if message.Attachments.Count>0 then%>   
  <table border=1 align="left" cellspacing="0">
  For k = 1 To message.Attachments.Count
  Response.Write ("<tr><td>")%>
  <a href=# onClick=javascript:window.open('saveatt.asp?msgid=<%=j%>&attid=<%=k%>','getatt','width=600,height=440,scrollbars=yes');>
  <%Response.Write cstr(Message.Attachments(k).size)
  Response.Write "</td></tr>"
end if
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