发布时间:2006-10-14 2:57:56   收集提供:gaoqian


g_CryptThis = "中国-China"
strFullKeyLen = Len(g_CryptThis)

strFullKey = KeyGen(strFullKeyLen)

Response.Write "<p>原始字符串: " & g_CryptThis & "<p>"
Response.Write "<p>密钥: " & strFullKey  & "<p>"
Response.Write "<p>加密后: " & Server.URLEncode(EnCrypt(g_CryptThis)) & "<p>"
Response.Write "<p>解密后: " & DeCrypt(EnCrypt(g_CryptThis)) & "<p>"

Function EnCrypt(strCryptThis)
   Dim strChar, iKeyChar, iStringChar, i
   for i = 1 to Len(strCryptThis)
      iKeyChar = Asc(mid(strFullKey,i,1))
      iStringChar = Asc(mid(strCryptThis,i,1))
      iCryptChar = iKeyChar Xor iStringChar
      strEncrypted =  strEncrypted & Chr(iCryptChar)
   EnCrypt = strEncrypted
End Function

Function DeCrypt(strEncrypted)
Dim strChar, iKeyChar, iStringChar, i
   for i = 1 to Len(strEncrypted)
      iKeyChar = (Asc(mid(strFullKey,i,1)))
      iStringChar = Asc(mid(strEncrypted,i,1))
      iDeCryptChar = iKeyChar Xor iStringChar
      strDecrypted =  strDecrypted & Chr(iDeCryptChar)
   DeCrypt = strDecrypted
End Function

Function KeyGen(strlength)
    Dim i,UB
    Dim Temp
    Dim Poss
    Poss = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    Temp = ""

    UB = Len(Poss)
    For i = 1 To strlength
        Temp = Temp & Mid(Poss,Int((UB - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 1),1)
    KeyGen = Temp
End Function

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