发布时间:2006-10-14 2:56:20   收集提供:gaoqian
ssql = "select gorders,glayer from bbs where gId=" & gId & " and goders> " & gorders & " order by goders  "
rs1.Open sql, conn1, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic '查询比父贴
If (rs1.EOF And rs1.BOF) Then
If gLayer >= 8 Then  '如果深度大于8,就设goerders,glayer跟回帖平行
   gorders = rs1("gorders")
   gLayer = rs1("glayer")
  gorders = gorders + 256
  gLayer = gLayer + 1
End If
  nextvalue = rs1("gorders")
  If (nextvalue - gorders) > 1 Then
   gorders = Int((gorders + nextvalue) / 2)
   gLayer = gLayer
  Else                             '跟跟贴平行
   gorders = rs1("gorders")
   gLayer = rs1("glayer")
End If
End If

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